Would you like to help YWAM Balut financially?

Here’s how you can send your donation:

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In U.S.A

Send a check or transfer with a note for YWAM Balut to:
Donor Processing
University of the Nations Kona
75-5851 Kuakini Hwy#256
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740
In Holland

Jeugd met een Opdracht
Heidebeek Giro 3171003 for YWAM Balut, Manila
In England
Send a check with a note for YWAM Balut to:
YWAM Harpenden – Accounts Dept
Highfield Ovals,
Harpenden, Herts AL54BX
or via Telegraphic/Wire Transfer or Direct Deposit
Bank:  Bank of the Philippine Island (BPI)
Account Name: Youth With A Mission – Balut
US Dollar
Account Number: 4654-0000-21
Swift Code: BOPIPHMM
Philippine Peso Savings
Account Number: 4653-0003-38
Swift Code: BOPIPHMM